Dear Friends: THANK YOU. For every donation, every good wish, every hope sent our way, we offer our profound GRATITUDE. We reached our goal to start editing a rough cut of this film. Look for your Perks to be fulfilled by end February. We've been in touch with New Mexico PBS and the timeline we came up with is to show them a work in progress end March and a rough cut end April and by that time, we hope to have a broadcast date - hopefully for early October. We also might take a chance with applying to ITVS which is for national PBS. As we go into editing the rough cut, it'll become clear to us where the gaps are in the story for "pick up shoots" or specific music or stock photos or footage. After completing a rough cut, "finishing a film" is also its own process, with important highly specialized tasks such as color correction, a sound mix, composing a score. We're also dreaming of recreating a mythic memory of Nasaro and his dad: seeing wolves crossing the river one morning and composing and recording an original corrido (ballad) of the Rio Puerco, "en ese tiempo, el Rio Puerco era como una flor, at that time the Rio Puerco was a flower." Side by side with being grounded in gratitude, we have our eyes open to what lies ahead, including finishing funds to fully realize the vision of this film. For now, first things first - we go into the edit room and get to work on our beautiful footage, carrying deep THANKS to you who have made this part of the journey possible! We'll keep you posted! And please reach out whenever you'd like - we're always glad to hear from you with any suggestions, ideas or just to say hello. You can also follow us on Facebook and here on the blog. Gracias gracias and onwards, adelante to editing this film about Nasario García, a remarkable folklorist, who has persisted, for decades, in speaking his stories to reconnect us to la tierra, historia y comunidad, land, history and community in New Mexico. Sincerely, Shebana and the Production Team at Nasario Remembers the Rio Puerco CONTACT US email: [email protected] Director, Shebana Coelho cell: 609 651 5840 Website: Facebook @Nasarioremembers
AuthorNews from Nasario Remembers the Rio Puerco Archives
December 2019
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